Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why Do Girls Hit Guys In The Belly Why Do Some Girls Gravitate Towards Men Who Treat Them Like Property, And Treat Them Like Low Rent Hookers?

Why do some girls gravitate towards men who treat them like property, and treat them like low rent hookers? - why do girls hit guys in the belly

Hello, I'm a nice guy, and I know that many pretty girls, me, because I am as well, but I also know girls, men who date or degrading acts of abuse and are forced to be married sexual abuse of them, either mentally or physically or both. However, these abdominal pains me that girls are happy again, I'll listen, but lately I've concluded that if these girls are crazy enough, clinging to a man are being treated like garbage yesterday unless they want to harvest food or sex, then, what you sow. For example, I know a woman unattractive mails, she loves her husband, but the phone told me how he treats her badly. It frustrates me to hear more. I'm pretty normal in my head or the lives of womenin the "oh my abuse, but he loves me," many women have their red carpet and deserve when they reach 35 or 40 and write to Dear Abby for crying all the time lost. BUT ... Can anyone explain why some (but not all) girls cling to the evil? Is it something that has happened in your childhood, that they "feel is being abused? Maybe if someone explains to me, could be more understanding. I knew a girl who was the friend, to beat them in the years and today is murdered six feet underground and in prison, but probably in a few years. There were good guys, you ask, but he loved Mr. hard. Can someone explain to me, Yahoo!

Thank you.


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