Monday, January 4, 2010

Blender Replacement Parts Where Can I Get Replacement Parts For The Magic Bullet Blender?

Where can I get replacement parts for the Magic Bullet blender? - blender replacement parts

I got as a gift, and I have no documentation that came with it, but I need a spare part, because every time it is really hard to ... Suggestions? Thank you! ♥


Chippeh said...

Google, intelligent.

whiskeyf... said... it takes to get spare parts. This is the official website.

llittle mama said...

Watch Mfg. in the ball (which is somewhere) and go online and you know where they write, email or by phone.
If you find t * on Google in the search for Magic Bullet
I saw only one at Walgreens here and look in the box and enter the number. Good Luck

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