Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mucus Is Clear Before Period Is Due Can You Ovulate Really Late, Right Before Your Period?

Can you ovulate really late, right before your period? - mucus is clear before period is due

Ok, so I'm very confused. thought I could think there are about 10 days (had symptoms) of ovulation. had mild cramps) for about 5 days after 3 days (the possible implementation. unrecognized. my period is due today and I'm ovulating (I had some mucus) ... 10 days later than I thought it was! I'm pretty sure that this is not period cramps. Spottting usually start a week before my period and started cramping a few days. none of which came this month. Breasts were a little sensitive, and were a little tired, as usual. I had the flu this month could have thrown everything but too late to be ovulating! went to the doctor last month and everything is in order. I ovulate right before my time? is for today! Am I pregnant? Am I ovulating or with your time? Suggestions??


icedbour... said...

You can not ovulate shortly before the period. If you are not ovulating today, you will be within two weeks. Ovulation may be delayed by several things. Get tested and see a DR, I am a little worried about the pain, if not normal during ovulation (as).

Just a clarification - when you ovulate, you can always bleed more but not immediately after a point and anxiety.

For Trisch up - Yes, you may, during or shortly after the period (cycles in which case it would be short) ovulation, but never just before. If the bleeding is relative.

Trish S said...

Twice Yes, you can ovulate shortly before the period. We try to understand, and our doctor told us they were our 14-18 days. Well, after a year of trying, without luck, and I cracked and bought a clear blue easy fertility monitor online. In fact, 2 days after my ovulation time steps. The day of 7-10 Then away they went. Everyone is different.
Second. There is the possibility she is pregnant. They can run and get a test from the start today. Good luck and BABY DUST.

Joey Jr born 6/19/09! said...

I did the same, I ovulate, I know, but the week was my time, I was able to ovulate again, but I was not, I was pregnant swear! A pregnancy test! Good luck to you!

Pippin said...

It is possible (though very unlikely), then ovulate late. However, the result will almost certainly not in the probability of pregnancy, because it takes at least 10 days luteul phase to support a pregnancy.

angel e said...

Ovulation is the release of a single egg, a mature follicle that developed in the ovary. Usually occurs regularly, approximately 14 days from the 28-day cycle. After the release of the egg for 12 to 48 hours can be fertilized before it starts to fall apart. This is the most fertile time of the cycle: during ovulation chances of conceiving are higher.

When ovulation occurs?

Ovulation usually takes place 14 days after the start of their menstrual cycle. The timing of ovulation in the cycle is the luteal phase, which typically provides 12 to 16 long days. You can calculate the time of ovulation in your cycle by subtracting the duration of the luteal phase of the length of the cycle. Is For example, if your cycle lasts 28 days and your luteal phase is 12 days long, ovulation takes place on 16 Day of the cycle (28-12 = 16). The exact time of ovulation may vary within your cycle, because ovulation can be for a number of factors such as stress, illness, diet or increased physical activity may be delayed.

As dOES to determine my ovulation fertile days?

Your fertile period starts about 4-5 days before ovulation and ends about 24-48 hours. Since sperm cells in the body live about 4 to 5 days and the egg may require 24 to 48 hours after the release live. They are the most fertile days before and day of ovulation. If you know your fertile days to increase your chances of avoiding pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy

You may experience abdominal pain, a slight increase in body temperature and changes in cervical mucus during ovulation. Prior to ovulation, cervical mucus is cloudy and thicker, and a few days before ovulation, it is clear, smooth and elastic, like raw egg white. Immediately after ovulation may increase the body temperature from 0.4 to 1.0 degrees Celsius. About 20% of women feel discomfort or pain in the abdomen as the egg leaves the ovary. This condition is called "ovulation" and usually takes a few minutes to several hours.

What --in my body during ovulation?

The process of ovulation through the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) are triggered. The values of this hormone increase significantly about 1-2 days before ovulation, so that the egg will be released from the ovary to increase (this is called the increase "LH"). The egg travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If fertilization does not occur within 24 to 48 hours after ovulation, the egg disintegrates and the endometrium at the beginning of your next period, usually 12-16 days later expelled. If fertilization occurs, the egg from implanting in the uterine lining and begins its growth, leading to a pregnancy.

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